Our team at Blue Mountains Podiatry provide expert and friendly podiatry care to Springvale and the surrounding communities.
Podiatry is a health based profession that specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of all types of foot, lower leg and even lower back problems. A Podiatrist will look at the root cause of your pain and put together a complete plan to get you back to the activities you love. At Blue Mountains Podiatry we specialize in a variety of different treatment techniques.
A thorough assessment of your feet will provide us with the information we need to put together a treatment plan to get you back to doing the things you love.
Call our clinic at Blue Mountains Podiatry for expert care and attention – Situated in 4 locations – Springwood (02 4751 7583), Lithgow (02 6352 5685), Blaxland (02 4702 0221) and Katoomba (02 4782 6169).
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