Our team at Blue Mountains Podiatry provide expert and friendly podiatry care for knee pain near Sunny Corner and the surrounding communities.
Knee pain is commonly seen in athletes of all sports but especially in runners, with over 50% of running injuries being knee related. Knees are constantly under an enormous amount of stress. This can lead to weakness; instability and overuse of soft tissue structures surround the knee joint. Poor foot mechanics and inappropriate footwear can be a common cause of knee pain and can lead to conditions such as Patella Femoral Dysfunction, Osteo arthritis, Osgood Shlatters disease and patella maltracking.
* Custom made orthotics (arch supports)
* Deep connective tissue massage
* Dry needling
* Footwear advice
* Stretching and exercise programs
Don’t let knee pain prevent you from living an active and healthy life.
Contact the team at Blue Mountains Podiatry for professional treatment and attention – We are in 4 locations – Springwood (02 4751 7583), Lithgow (02 6352 5685), Blaxland (02 4702 0221) and Katoomba (02 4782 6169).
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