03 Dec How to Best Handle Christmas & the New Year
How to Best Handle Christmas & the New Year
Category: Podiatry Glenbrook
The warmer weather is well and truly here, and Christmas is fast approaching. Now that the Melbourne Cup is over, we know Christmas is just around the corner. With a little planning, you can stay in good health while still enjoying summer and all its festivities. Here are some tips on how best to handle the Christmas & New Year:
Traveling in the Holidays
Take frequent breaks when driving long distances. It is recommended that you spend at least 15 minutes away from the wheel for every 2 hours of driving.
When you have a break from driving get out of the car & go for a short walk & use your feet, some stretches for the calf muscles would also be a good idea.
If you are planning to purchase a new pair of shoes
with some Christmas money you may have received from friends or family or if you have a gift voucher, follow these tips below:
- Choose a store that measures foot length and width to ensure best fit
- Buy shoes in the afternoon as the foot may be larger at this time
- Always walk around in the shoes at home on the carpet, checking for comfort and tight spots – if any issues develop take them back!
- When standing you should be able to wriggle your toes
- Ensure the sole of the shoe is firm and bends across the ball of the foot
- The material breathes and is flexible/durable
Remember to keep up with your exercise routine. Just because you were out and about the night before is no excuse to sleep in and forego your workout.
If you’re going away on holidays think about what exercise gear you can take. Your trainers, workout clothes and a skipping rope are a good start.
USE IT OR LOSE IT by December 31st!
Did you know that you lose private health fund benefits each year? Most of our patients are unaware of this, so we thought we should let you know.
NOW is the time to use your entitlement before it’s lost forever for treatment in our practice! Choose to use your health fund entitlement today.
Most health funds allow extras claims only for the duration of 12 months, usually from January till December.
Unused claims generally DO NOT carry over to the next year or, so this means…
With HiCaps® instant rebates on the spot, you can use your health fund benefit to treat your feet, get an orthotic check-up if they are worn or
more than a year old, recover from a foot or ankle injury or get that heel pain sorted and simply be as healthy as you can be!
The CHOICE is yours but as I have mentioned earlier – you must USE IT or you will LOSE IT by 31st December!
Don’t miss out on the rebate you pay for! Call our practice today to schedule an appointment and take advantage of the funds still
available to you before they run out. Call now!
New Skills
Most Christmas dinners have a significant break before you are summoned to
the table again, so take proper advantage of this time by engaging with children
if they are present. Children are extremely active. Therefore, propose a game
that gets you moving such as the Wii that will have you burning calories in no time. If no children are present, try to stay active any way you can, if it’s from helping clean up after dinner or playing a vigorous board game with the family.
Front of the Thigh
Stand near a wall, bench or a post and put one hand on it for balance. Grasp your ankle or foot with the other hand. Keep your upper body straight and pull your heel up towards your buttock. The knee of the leg you are bending should point towards the ground. If you are able to touch your buttock with the heel of the foot, gently extend the hip by moving the knee backwards. You should feel this stretch through the front of the leg above the knee.
So there you have it, if you are suffering from foot pain, or someone you know is please don’t hesitate to give the clinic a call on Faulconbridge – (02) 4751-7583, Katoomba – (02) 4782-6169, Lithgow – (02) 6352-5685 or Blaxland – (02) 4702 0221 and we can help you out so you can keep your feet happy!
The team at Blue Mountains Podiatry