Help for Corns and Calluses near State Mine Gully, 2790

Our team at Blue Mountains Podiatry provide expert and friendly podiatry care for corns and calluses in State Mine Gully and the surrounding communities.

About Corns & Calluses


corns and calluses State Mine Gully, 2790A corn is a centralised mass of hard skin which generally occurs around high pressure areas such as under the ball of the foot, between toes or on the side of toes where a shoe may rub. Corns can be very painful and need to be addressed as soon as possible to prevent further tissue break down.

Can a corn be treated?

Yes, at Blue Mountains Podiatry people present to our clinic with corns daily, and in our experienced therapists can easily remove a corn with a sterile blade. The process is pain free and occurs within a couple of minutes. We then examine what is causing the corn in the first place and put together strategies to help stop it returning in the future.


A callus is where the skin becomes thickened and hard. Callus will occur at points of high pressure such as under the ball of the foot or under the heel. Poor footwear choices and poor foot mechanics commonly lead to callus build up.

Can Calluses be treated?

Yes, within minutes a specialised therapist at Blue Mountains Podiatry can remove a callus with a sterile blade, pain free. You will walk out feeling lighter and much more comfortable than when you walked in! We then need to work out what is causing your callus and put together a treatment strategy to prevent it from returning.

Don’t let corns and callus prevent you performing the activities you love.

Contact our office at Blue Mountains Podiatry for expert treatment and attention – Situated in 4 locations – Springwood (02 4751 7583), Lithgow (02 6352 5685), Blaxland (02 4702 0221) and Katoomba (02 4782 6169).

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